Most of us dream of owning our own home! The whole process of renting month after month and consistently forking out large sums of money for practically nothing tangible gets old fast. You know what I mean if you're currently residing in an apartment. It sucks to not actually have anything to show for it once you leave. On the other hand, when buying real estate, you do acquire something in return. You end up with a home. Hopefully one that appreciates as the years go by. This way if you eventually decide to sell it and find a new house, you can make a nice chunk of money on your investment.
In regards to the current real estate market, if you're considering purchasing a home, I wouldn't put it off too long. Right now is commonly known as a "buyer's market." That means you can get a wonderful deal on a home. Most likely you can find a piece of residential real estate that would have normally been out of your reach. Since there is a plethora of homes on the market right now, prices have plummeted. I spotted a house in my neighborhood just yesterday afternoon. I noticed that the price has dropped 40 grand since they originally listed it. This no doubt stinks for the sellers, but it's great for those who're in the market to buy. After speaking with a local realtor, I found out that we are slowly but surely coming out of the slump. She thought that within another year things will turn around. Then homes will be priced more in regards to what they're worth. At that point buying real estate won't be so enjoyable for the buyers. So take advantage of this prime time while it lasts!
Plenty goes into buying real estate. You can't simply glance at a home and say SOLD. Well, I suppose you could do that, but I don't recommend it. You'll want to consider the homes appreciation thus far over the years. You should take a look into the crime statistics of that particular area. You should also see if registered sex offenders live nearby. This can very likely affect the re-sale of the home. Most families check into these matters. And finally, if you have children, you should always consider the school districts and how they rank.